Sunday, December 22, 2013

LA or the

We recently discovered La ,  in english,  This is an amazing site that your can read in english. Just clip on the US button. Or enter
 Discover restaurants, benefit from a special offer of up to 50% discount on dinner, book for free [even just minutes ahead], and your table is waiting for you.  No coupons, there are a few restrictions, such as you must order the menu, or , order a la carte, or wine is not covered,  but at 40-50% off, this is amazing.  It is NOT one of those too good to be true, it is true.  We found out about it late in our trip, but we did manage to use it 3 our of the last 4 nights, saving ourselves over 100 euros.  No embarrassing moments.
 When you get your bill, they know that you are on la fourcette, and they will take off the discount on the bottom.
Why didn't we know about this sooner?   It is a win-win situation.  They have listings of thousands of restaurants in almost every city in France, Spain, Monaco, Switzerland.

Friday, May 24, 2013


Bad news travels fast, so the media is quick to pitch in on the horrors of pickpockets in Paris.  But remember, it is rare that someone gets their pocket picked in Paris.   This does not mean that you need to be less vigilant.  You're on vacation, your guard is relaxed.  The basic rules of protecting your valubles on vacation are similar to your "real " life.
        Do not keep your wallet accessible, i.e., not in your back pocket, not in your open purse or backpack.
         Don't travel within Paris or France with your passport, where a color photostat will do for shopping.
        Only have on hand the necessary cash you might need for the day, and only have one or two credit cards with you.   Leave the balance of your cash and credit cards in the hotel or room safe.  You are a tourist, and you will be in places frequented by tourists,  so that is where pickpockets congrgate.
        It is hard to NOT look like a tourist, what with cameras, maps, guide books, and white sneakers. [Nothing stands out as white sneakers on tourist's feet]    
       Don't keep your cell phone,  wallet, camera on the table at sidewalk cafes,  or in your outstretched hand, or even while strolling  along.
        France has expelled the many gypsies who were responsible for some of these activities.    One of their favorite scams was the bend down as you walked by, "finding" a "solid gold" wedding band.   They will tell you that you can have free,  but if you take it, they will hound you for a "gratuity."  Brass is brass, these are not gold.

 Be vigilant, not scared, and enjoy your vacation.